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World News Roundup 7/7 - Morning Edition

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World News Roundup 7/7 - Morning Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
[Reporter : w:slim] An education program is targeting illiteracy in the West Bank especially among the elderly.
After being displaced by war many older Palestinians missed out on the chance to learn to read.
Now that the children are grown many of the elderly especially women are finding time to hit the books.
Approximately 6 percent of the Palestinian population is still illiterate.
Women make up 77 percent of this figure.
So for women like 75-year-old Mushakhas Sabah learning to read at Ebda'a an organization dedicated to eradicating illiteracy in the Palestinian territories has been a blessing.
She was denied an education after being evicted from her home during the Arab-Israeli war in 1948.
Now she has made major progress in her reading and one day she hopes to read medicinal instructions.
The organization has found that the higest illiteracy rate was among individuals 65 years of age and over but with this program the elderly hope that they soon can catch up with the younger generation.
Scientists in Japan want to tackle the worldwide shortage of human organs by developing them in sheep.
Similar projects are already underway using pigs but due to religions such as Islam and Judaism sheeps were seen as an appopriate alternative.
Scientists are currently perfecting this technique by implanting monkey stem cells into sheep embryo.
The organ tissues develop as the sheep grows.
The eventual goal is to grow human tissues and cells to treat humans which scientists predict will come to fruition within the next 10 to 20 years.
However‚ there are still some hurdles the scientists have to resolve.
Developing pure human organs in animals presents a challenge because the blood and nutrients to the organ would still come from the animal.
But if the organ development does work there will be fewer chances of the recipient's immune system rejecting the organ if the stem cells originate from the patient.
The results of an ambitious four-year project to reunite the surviving parts of the world's oldest Bible has been unvieled over the internet.
Originally 1‚400 pages long the Codex Sinaiticus was hand-written in Greek on animal hide during the mid-fourth century AD.
Only 800 pages have survived throughout the ages but until now its pieces have been scattered around the world.
The joint project‚ which started in 2005. aimed to 'virtually reunify' and preserve the Bible from collections held by the British Library in London‚ the Monastery of St. Catherine in Egypt‚ the National Library of Russia and the Leipzig University Library in Germany.
Scholars around the world are waiting to unlock new mysteries.
Researchers have already made an intriguing discovery before the book of Genesis.
To see what it is and to view the Bible online in Greek and English translations visitors can go to www.codexsinaiticus.org.
Reporter : slim@arirangtv.com
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