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World News Roundup 4/14 - Day Edition

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World News Roundup 4/14 - Day Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Australian scientists are trying to save the Grey Nurse shark from extinction by first tackling its image problem.
For decades the shark's menacing teeth and frightening presence have until now served as justification for humans to kill them to the point where they are now on the brink of extinction.
But the scientists say the sharks are misunderstood and they now want to better educate the public.
MacQuarie University marine researcher Sean Barker is charged with the arduous task of counting the regions remaining Grey Nurse shark population using a high tech photography and computer program.
The system was first designed for finger-print analysis for use by police and investigative bureaus.
Individual sharks are identified by the unique pattern of dots along their bodies.
Scientists estimate that only one thousand grey nurse sharks now live off of Australia's east coast.
And even though the past summer season saw more than a few shark attacks scientists stress that Bull sharks Tiger sharks and Great White sharks are the most dangerous to humans.
Unless provoked Grey Nurse sharks they say only threaten other fish.
One art school in Tanzania is hoping to develop unique and positive direction for the region's disadvantaged youth.
For those with talent and discipline the Tanzania House of Talents or THT Arts Center teaches young people how to earn livings as performing artists.
Dance rehearsals music classes and education on other forms of artistic expression bring the space to life.
To gain admission to the school a candidate must be between 10 and 22 years old and go through a two-tiered audition process both before current students and teachers.
Students say they are grateful for the opportunity to acquire new skills especially ones that enable them to make money to help their families.
Successful alumni often also conduct classes and offer career advice to newcomers.
Recently the students entertained the Pan African Parliament for which they each received approximately 40 US dollars.
An ancient graveyard in Oman is drawing mysterious glances from residents and visitors alike.
It dates back to the third millennium BC and many are wondering whether the piles of stones served as more than a graveyard.
The Zakit Archaeological Graveyard has a cylindrical shape that reminds onlookers of a bee cell.
But nobody knows exactly why it was built on top of a mountain.
Some historians say it could have been used as a fort to defend the town below against enemies.
The Ministry of Tourism has designated the area as an archaeological tourist site.
Previously local residents didn't realize the historic value of the rocks sitting in their village.
But tourists have now come to love the mysterious nature of the rocks.
The site is located in the province of Izki one of the oldest areas in Oman.
According to history texts the city was founded when an army led by Malek Bin Faham drove out the Persians.
Sean Lim‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : slim@arirangtv.com
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