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World News Roundup 3/25 - Day Edition

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World News Roundup 3/25 - Day Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
An ancient mummy has been shown to the public for the first time since its discovery.
Peruvian archeologists found the mummy in 2004 but waited until January of this year to unwrap it.
What they found was a 50-year-old woman thought to have been an elite member of a Pre-Incan society.
Next to her were the remains of two children.
The archeological find was made on the island of San Lorenzo which experts believe to have been a major religious center prior to the arrival of the Spanish in the region.
The children found next to the lady had fractured skulls which leads archeologists to believe that they had been sacrificed for some sort of ritual perhaps one surrounding the death of the mummified woman.
In the tomb were embroidered cloths and two copper vases.
Experts believe that the lady must have been extremely high-ranking because of the great distance she was carried to her tomb.
She is believed to have been part of the Ichma culture which reigned in the area from 900AD to 1500AD
The Ichma culture then joined the Incan Empire in the Late Horizon period.
In Thailand the annual King's Cup Elephant Polo Tournament got off to a roaring start.
Twelve teams from around the world are participating in this week-long event.
Before the first match began Buddhist monks sprinkled holy water over the elephants and their drivers.
Two people ride each elephant.
One is the 'mahout' or the driver and the other is the player or the one who holds the polo mallet and directs the driver.
The rules are very similar to traditional polo.
However since the elephants are so tall the mallets are two meters long.
Moreover elephants are not allowed to pick up the ball using their trunks.
If they do the other team gets a free shot.
The tournament began seven years ago as a simple two-day event but over the years‚ the sport has quickly gained popularity.
And even though many consider it a sport for the ultra-wealthy game organizers say that during these tough economic times it's important to have fun and create events that other people enjoy.
A German bicycle inventor responsible for many strange cycles including the world's largest has decided to celebrate the start of spring by unveiling some of his latest creations.
Instead of two traditionally round wheels Didi Senft creates wheels with corners.
Wearing a devil's costume Didi rode his new bike one featuring ten corner wheels in front of awe-struck visitors.
He says he got the idea to create a new twist on the bicycle after having a few beers with his friends many decades ago.
He's logged several world records and he often makes splashy appearances at sporting events wearing his trademark red devil's costume while riding one of his own unique bicycles.
Sean Lim‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : slim@arirangtv.com
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