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APEC Leaders' Summit 2015 in Manila: Analysis

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APEC Leaders' Summit 2015 in Manila: Analysis
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
The APEC forum brings together the heads of state of the organization’s 21 member economies‚ including South Korea‚ the U.S.‚ Japan and Australia‚ which together account for nearly 60 percent of the global gross domestic product and almost half of world trade. For an in-depth look into what should be discussed during this year's APEC summit and what the South Korean president should have in her hands leaving Manila we're joined live in the studio by Kim Young-hwan‚ Professor of Economics at Sungkyunkwan University. Professor Kim‚ welcome to the program. President Park and the leaders of the APEC forum will exchange opinions on how to build inclusive economies and sustainable and resilient communities. Why was this agenda chosen and what kinds of practical conclusions do we expect the leaders' to come out with? What the South Korean leader is also expected to do at the APEC leaders' conference is to introduce a detailed policy direction to support small firms‚ develop human resources and boost agricultural communities based on South Korea's experience. What policy directions are we talking about and what kind of a role do we expect South Korea to play with the country's increasing power in the global economy? Trans Pacific Partnership. There have been speculations that one of President Park's main agenda - unofficial agenda‚ that is - would be to discuss or promote the country's strong willingness to join the newly-launched multilateral trade deal. Do you think President Park will discuss TPP with leaders of other TPP member nations? What is your forecast on this? In your view‚ what should the South Korean leader leave the APEC summit with? What achievements or accomplishments should she have made by the end of the two-day leaders' summit? Kim Young-hwan‚ professor of economics at Seoul-based Sungkyunkwan University thanks so much for speaking with us tonight. We appreciate it. Reporter : jenmoon@arirang.co.kr
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